Chartered Electrical Engineers
M&E Installation Services ltd- Manchester (UK) based Electrical Engineers.
Providing Electrical design, Draughting and Engineering services.
We have over 35 years of experience in a wide and varied range of industries, including:
Plastics & Rubber machinery, Wire & Cable production lines, Aerospace, Clean & Dirty Water sites. LV & HV installations (including National Grid sites).
With experience of AutoCAD, Amtech, Dialux, BCAWD & CEADS.
Major projects worked on, include:
RJX Regional Jet, Typhoon and Nimrod Airccraft
Mighty Servant Ship re-fit
Medway 400kV cable tunnel ventillation scheme
HS1 Channel Tunnel Rail Link
Mogden & Liverpool Sandon Dock Waste Water treatment plants.
Long & Short term contacts considered.
Tel: 07946 471838